Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 29 Billions and Billions

There are now 7 billion people on Earth
And each day a thousand more give birth
If we continue to grow
One day we'll know
What solitude really was worth

Day 28

Who wants to play with physics so quantum
Those silly quarks, you know you want 'em

particle or wave
they just won't behave
but please keep an eye on your photon. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 27

I once drew a sketch of a noodle
Really not more than a doodle
Ok a line
Not art too fine
Or maybe it's a hair off a poodle.

Day 26

Why can't folks drive when it rains?
It seems to affect their brains
Take it from a pro
I thought you should know
The water will find it's way to the drains.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 25

So now we have come to fall
With cold winds and leaves and all
Daylight's getting shortened,
But what's most important
Is its starting to feel like football.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 24

Some people think it pejorative
While others find it restorative
But don't you see
That when you say it to me
I choose to think its amourative

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 23

Well hello Mr. Street light
I know I shouldn't, but I just might
Climb to your top
To get the drop
On those fiendish critters of the night.

Day 22

It's really unpleasent to be sick
And it may seem a devilish trick
But I think it's God's way
To gently say
Slow down, you hurry to quick.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 21

There once was a woman named Tori
Who's beauty was just part of the story
she has compassion and brains
and all that remains
is to tell of her artistic glory.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 20

Have you considered the marshmallow?
He's a rather vacuous fellow
His head's full of air
But he doesn't care
He's going for a swim in the Jello

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 19

I once met a magical genie
Who lived in a little red beanie
He said it had been
The home of a jiin
Who preferred to don a tankini.

Day 18

There once was a country called Greece
That couldn't afford it's lease
So it begged and it borrowed
And I'll pay you tomorrowed
'Til it threatened Europe's prosperity and peace.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 17

I sure do enjoy Ron Paul
Having his seat at the ball
It's good entertainment
But Ron Paul president
No I don't think I like that at all

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 16

For volleyball we came by ones and by twoses
And though someone must win and some loses
We get hurt more than others
This team of fathers and mothers
That's why we made our team name Bumps and Bruises

Day 15

We spent the day at the river
And though we started to shiver
We had great fun
'Cause who needs the sun
In the fog and the cold by the river.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 14

I just found a fly in my whiskey
But I can't say he was feeling to frisky
In fact he was dead
It went straight to his head
He should have known that first sip was risky.
~true story. Very sad.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 13

There once was a bee in the flowers
Who spoke of revolt and bee power
Oh he'd stomp and shout
But the hive kicked him out
'cause social change makes the honey taste sour.

Day 12

In response to Megan's comment on Day 6

Lady Muffit now enjoys wedded bliss
The result of a foolish little tryst
They knew it was wrong
So he proposed with a song
Now Muffit's no longer amiss.

Yes, I know, her name would no longer be Muffit either. She's a feminist and kept her own last name. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 11

There once was a man from Toledo
Who got bit by a massive mosquito
Though it brought tears to his eyes
And a welt did rise
It did little for this fellow's libido.

Day 10

The condiment race I'll embellish.
The Tartar got creamed by shell fish,
The Mustard played catch-up
To the quick starting Ketchup,
While the Mayo pursued with a Relish!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 9

There once was a fellow named Ben
Who got together with Jerry his friend
They made ice cream bold
And fattening I'm told
But my taste buds out vote my rear end.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 8

And now I'm off to bed
To rest my weary head
It's been a long day
At work and at play
And that's all there is to be said.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7

There once was a Buddhist llama
so devoted he became a lama
Picked up a political bent
ran for president
Now we call him lama O-llama-bama.

Fun fact: The scientific name for a llama is lama glama. I didn't have room in the Limerick for lama llama (lama glama) Obama (walla walla bing bang...oooh eeeh).  Also, credit to Ogden Nash ( for the lama/llama pairing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 6

Old Mrs. Muffit sat by the bay
Writing my limerick for today
When along came a spider
That sat down beside her
Which frightened my limerick away.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5

Here is my traveling story
About riding in a chinese lorry
My baby fell out
So I had to shout
Driver- go catch-a-Tori.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4

Today I had lunch with a mummy
Who was constantly rubbing his tummy
We spoke of his wife
And the loss of his life
But he mostly just whined for his mummy.

Day 3

Listening to liberal talk radio in the car on the way to the Bellevue office I was inspired to this:

Anwar al-Awlaki did roam
far from his American home
Though terrorist he may be
You'll have to tell me
Was it legal to have sent him a bomb?

Then I got to thinking, this is could be a great opportunity for a more traditional limerickal approach:

There once was a Yankee from Yemen
Who was most likely guilty of treason
oh Anwar al-Awlaki
where can you be
and did you find your virgins in heaven?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2

There was a  poet caught in the middle
of a grammatical riddle
aim for a clever rhyme
or punctuation sublime
'cause a lim'rick's no friend of a tiddle.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 1

Fair Eve once sat on a log
composing the very first blog
'bout her travels in Eden
the things she had eaten
and the nice snake she had met in the bog.