Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 61- Iraq

For nine years we've sent soldiers to Iraq
They survived WMD's and sniper attack
Now the war's done
Well wasn't that fun
At least now they all can come back.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 59 - Ah Poo

We all have to deal with poo
It comes out of me and out of you
That tasty pot roast
Is now something gross
The detritus of all the things that we chew. 

Day 60 - The Man from Galilee

There once was a man from Galilee
Who was more than he appeared to be
His Christmas birth
began the salvation of Earth
which finished when he died for you and for me.

Day 58 - Secret Santa

I got a present from my secret Santa
One single bottle of orange Fanta
It spilled on my desk
And made a big mess
I’m trying to be thankful, but I can’t-a 

Day 57 - Mushrooms

The mushroom’s lord of kingdom fungus
From the small to the truly humongous
Have you ever been sold
This beautiful mold
This culinary treat for your tongue-ous? 

Day 56 - Spelling

Some folks care greatly 'bout speling
But I just don’t find it compeling.
If you can get the meening
Why all this preaning
Just focus on the story I’m teling. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 55 - Aphrodite

They tell of the fair Aphrodite
Who hung with the powerful and mighty
She made mortal men drool
And lesser gods act the fool
Goddess of love, beauty and the nighty.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 54 - Hunting

Yesterday I went hunting for cougars
Armed to the hilt with two powerful  Lugers
I brought home no game
Just got caught in the rain
All I captured was loogies and boogers.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 53 - Raptor Dinner

I know an old lady who swallowed a raptor
But he scratched and he squirmed and tormented his captor
So she spewed him out
And she let out a shout
When her dinner wheeled 'round and tail slapped her

Day 52 - TV

Is it wrong to love a television?
Please don't give me that look of derision
It's high definition
Not the road to Perdition
Let us be, we've made our decision.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 51 - Caesar

All hail the fabulous Caesar
Emperor and famous crowd pleaser
and thanks to Brutus
and his bad attitudus
Julius will ne'er be a geezer.