Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 50 - My Apple

In my apple I found a worm
But that wasn't what made me squirm
'Cause all that was left
Was his better half
Bisected I believe is the term

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 49 - Silly Monkey

There once was a curious monkey
Who occasionaly liked to get drunky
Banana wine
Did the job just fine
But when he got sick it always came out... never mind.

Day 48 - Thanksgiving

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving
A day to be gratefull for living
For family and friends
The blessings God sends
And mistakes He's constantly forgiving.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 47 - The Soldier

There once was an apian soldier
So old that he'd started to molder
Avoided the reaper
'Til he could sting the keeper
Because his duty was the eye of the bee holder.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 46 - Stupid Turkeys

The turkey is a curious bird
Really not bright from what I've heard
If he stands out in the rain
He's got a beak that won't drain
So he'll drown in a death quite absurd.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 45 - Super Commitee

There once was a committee not quite so super
Not a single member to call a trooper
They were in a big hurry
So they quit early
And left the economy in the pooper.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 44 - Forever in Blue Genes

They tell me its because of my genes
But I don't really get what that means
What I just don't get
Is how my pants can limit
The pursuit of my athletic dreams.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 43 - A fallen Seminole

Maurice Harris was a football Seminole
And some say his defense was seminal
But there's no defense
When the evidence
Proves that the sample was seminal.

This one occurred to me based on the fun with the homonyms. Sadly there was more than one candidate that fit the requirements. Maurice is just the most recent. http://www.wctv.tv/home/headlines/Former_FSU_Football_Player__121527134.html

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 42- The value of a President

Lately I have been thinkin'
About Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln
And what they represent
Oh, about thirty-one cent
Would they care how their value is sinkin'

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 41 -Just Fracking Around

Big oil corps have all been fracking
(Don't worry, that just means cracking)
the layers of shale
the better to avail
themselves of the oil that the soils have been packing.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 40 - Nun's the Word

There once was a sister on a mission
Born of Limerick took vows Franciscan
Now she fights corporate greed
and the CEO's heed
'cuase you don't mess with a nun and her coalition.

This one needs a little explaining. See the NY Times article below. This is how you get your voice heard.

"A  PROFESSORIAL woman with a sculpted puff of gray hair, Sister Nora grew up in Limerick County, Ireland. She dreamed of becoming a missionary in Africa, but in 1959, she arrived in Pennsylvania to join the Sisters of St. Francis, an order founded in 1855 by Mother Francis Bachmann, a Bavarian immigrant with a passion for social justice. Sister Nora took her Franciscan vows of chastity, poverty and obedience two years later, in 1961, and has stayed put ever since." -New York Times

-I had to do one about Sister Nora. She grew up in Limerick County for goodness sakes. And for those of you who read the whole article - tomorrow's limerick might have to be about fracking. 

Day 39 - Mexican Festival

I went to a Mexican festival
With food so fine and so plentiful
We danced through the night
but the morning light
Brought a parade that was gastrointestinal

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 38 - Monkey Stew

I once knew a chef named O'Finnigan
Who made monkey stew now and again
I watched as he toiled
And asked if it boiled
He replied no it's just simian

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 37 - Silvio Berlusconi

Mr. Silvio Berlusconi
No longer leads the land of macaroni
With your life full of scandal
It was too much to handle
It's time for your sins to atone-e

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 36 - The Happy Mouse

I once had a happy little mouse
Who resided under my house
He got into the wine 
But we got on just fine
Since we were both perpetually soused 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 35 - Occupy Yourself

They are the unfortunate ninety-nine
And all of their problems stem from over that line
But I don't really see
That they speak for me
I guess they're the eighty nine point nine nine

Editorial note: I don't actually have anything against the occupy movement. They're putting a voice to real inequality in our society and I hope they do achieve something, even if it is just to keep people talking about the issue of the way our economy runs right now. There are probably more effective ways to get the 1% 's attention, but this is a start. That all being said I still think the whole "We are the 99%" thing is pretty presumptuous or funny or both. I understand why they've latched on to that number, but I want to see the 98th percentile out there protesting.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 34 - The Welder

I once met a female welder
Was infatuated when I beheld her
We went on a date
And everything was great
'Til the wind changed and that's when I smelled her.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 33 - Carnival Ride

Here I lay staring at the ceiling
Head spinning, my stomach reeling
That carnival ride
Churned my inside
Let's do it again, this time with feeling.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 32 - Mayan Sports Hero

There once was a fellow from the Yucatan
An athletic and enterprising Mayan
His team to victory led
So they lopped off his head
Now he's just trying to get ahead any way that he can

Day 31- Inspiration

Today I am searching for inspiration
My ideas have left on their winter migration
Time for another track
Lean more to the abstract
A poem about nothing that lacks imagination

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 30 - the Greek's

Everyone's watching the Greek nation
The country on fiscal probation
And now the people will vote
And the chance seems remote
That the world will give a standing ovation