Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 40 - Nun's the Word

There once was a sister on a mission
Born of Limerick took vows Franciscan
Now she fights corporate greed
and the CEO's heed
'cuase you don't mess with a nun and her coalition.

This one needs a little explaining. See the NY Times article below. This is how you get your voice heard.

"A  PROFESSORIAL woman with a sculpted puff of gray hair, Sister Nora grew up in Limerick County, Ireland. She dreamed of becoming a missionary in Africa, but in 1959, she arrived in Pennsylvania to join the Sisters of St. Francis, an order founded in 1855 by Mother Francis Bachmann, a Bavarian immigrant with a passion for social justice. Sister Nora took her Franciscan vows of chastity, poverty and obedience two years later, in 1961, and has stayed put ever since." -New York Times

-I had to do one about Sister Nora. She grew up in Limerick County for goodness sakes. And for those of you who read the whole article - tomorrow's limerick might have to be about fracking. 

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